April is not shaping up to what I hoped it would be. The first week of the this dreadful month had me bed ridden with the stomach flu, which kept me off my bike. Week two was looking promising, got beat up on the Tuesday night sunset ride( 8 mile loop with lots of climbing, hardest ride around so cal) and then ran into my first crit practice(ride around 4 corners about 1.2 miles in length total, isn't bike racing cool...) and got punished. And my first Saturday ride back I hid pretty well in the pack. Third week started off slow because of my job hunting and life in general. Mid week put in a great 4 hour ride to Pasadena and back then took took a few days of easy spinning.Once the Saturday ride hit I felt great and rode myself into the ground and felt great, until later that evening when my Achilles tendon swell up to the size of a banana. Not siked. Week four of being back on the bike had me off the bike, again. To bring us to current this week started off great with my best Tuesday night ride of the season, great recovery ride with my buddy Chris S. yesterday, then tonight it all turned around again with a crash at crit practice. Took the inside line on a corner to fast and tight and went down . Only pissed off about it because my frame might have a few hairline cracks in it. Really upset actually.
Oh well, tomorrow is a new day. And a good day actually. Might as well start it off with a good ride and see how it turns out. Hope my luck turns around here pretty soon.
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